Friday, January 9, 2009

It happened again... another double dip.  Another page I am happy to have in my book that would never be there if it weren't for all these bizarre challenges.

The bones of this LO is a sketch from Creative Scrappers, and then the theme and the buttons are courtesy of Got Mojo?... and I can blame the papers on the colors challenge from Scrapjazz.  If it weren't for that this kit would still be buried in the kit pile.

OK, 6/100 down in the no buying challenge.  Going strong and not feeling weak at this moment:)

In case you are curious the journaling reads: 
Traditionally we hang out at home watching football games and previews while having a couple drinks on New Year's Eve.

This year we had better plans, a road trip to visit Oliver in Allentown, PA... but that didn't work out. Something came up at work and Erik had to work a full day on the 31st

Back to our traditional thing. Only Erik started coughing violently, with a 15 second blackout and so we spent New Year's Eve at the local urgent care. Erik was not happy that I made him go... MRI, CAT scan, Breathing treatment, steroid shot and 3 hours later we were back home. Not the memory I was hoping for, but memorable all the same.

I hope your New Year's was fun and a bit less memorable than mine!


Fauve Design said...

I Love the shapes you used!

Thanks for playing along with us over at ScrapMojo!

<3 Fauve

Elizabeth said...

Great LO Sweetie!!