Thursday, May 28, 2009

Scrappy Thursday and other stuff

I couldn't host Scrappy Thursday this week due to my first prenatal appointment.  My good friend Beth  hosted instead.  What a treat to scrap at her house!  I got 2 LOs done in fairly quick order.  First is this week's 52 sketches.  The Lo is about taking the "intelligender" test at Mary Boyle's this holiday weekend.  I am loving this October Afternoon line, super cute.

Mix it up's Mixer 21  made with mixer 20's sketch.  I loved the sketch for 20 but just wasn't fast enough getting it together.  The color challenge for Mixer 21 worked a lot better with the photos than the inspiration challenge with mixer 20.  All is well.

The LO is from a nature/photo walk last Saturday through Nelson Ledges in Garettsville, OH.  Love that we got to see the Amish going by.  The girl in the photo is Beth's daughter Lexi, Erik's current love interest.

As if anyone wants to be bored with my non-scrappy life, at the midwife appointment today I got an ultrasound which gives me a due date of January 14th, 2010.  I predict a scheduled induction on 1-10-10... I'd love to have one kid with an easy to remember birthday ;)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Amazing Candy

Passion for Crafts... go win it... and then share with me:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Scrappy Thursday

Mixer #18 Details:
This week’s mixer is a word challenge – you must use the word PERSEVERANCE somewhere on your layout. It can be in your title or your journaling. I think many of us are faced with different challenges in life where we have to find the strength to persevere, to keep on pushing to reach that goal. This is where the inspiration for this word came from. I hope you will be inspired just like our DT was to create a layout about something, you or someone in your life that had to persevere to accomplish something.

May's Criteria at White with one:
White - dominant colour
with 1 - Olive Green
with 1 - Birdies

I am LOVING the white plus one look.  For such a long time white on a LO has gotten a bad rap.  All because of some old Creative Memories horror LOs.  It's OK to use white :)  White is the new black.  

Perseverance describes the long journey to the new front porch.  For 4 years we discussed what we could and would do.  It took 6 months from old landscaping gone to new retaining wall, porch, roof, fountain, and plants in the ground.  We still have a little work to do.  The cap stone on the retaining wall needs to be finished and some more comfy matchy style patio furniture has to be decided on, the electric line to the fountain will eventually not be the extension cord, and the plants and peach tree need to grow up a little so you aren't looking at the underside of the porch... but all in all, it's 100% better.  I love sitting out there having a beer in the evening, I almost can't wait for the weather to get a little warmer so it'll be all the nicer after sun down.